Hurricane Harvey & Irma's Care Package
In the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey that struck Texas and Hurricane Irma that demolished the Caribbean Islands, Key West, and most of Florida are stories of families that barely made it out with the shirt on their back. Some unfortunately have lost their lives. The death toll is 70 from Hurricane Harvey and 22 and counting as a result of Hurricane Irma.
Most if not all of us have been inconvenienced in some way, whether it was loss of power, limited resources, flooding, temporary unemployment and the list goes on. However, nothing compares to the untimely death of a loved one. If you are reading this newsletter, I am here to remind you of how blessed you truly are! If you have not already, give God thanks for life!
Triumphant Living Foundation, Inc. is here to do our part by delivering Care Packages to assist families suffering from the loss of a child(ren). If you know of a family suffering as a result of the storm, follow the steps below to request the shipment of a Care Package.
There are numerous ways to help others recover during catastrophic times. I encourage you to volunteer your time, donate to a trusted organization, speak words of encouragement and visit those less fortunate. It is important that we use our individual platform to be the HOPE that the world so desperately needs.
Together we can experience triumph!